
    Hit me up!

    If you stumbled upon Yendis dot co dot uk and ended up on this contact page, then we probably need to talk! But why reach out?

    Reasons to Contact Me

    Give some feedback

    Are you a reader, a listener or a fan? I’d definitely love to hear from you. Tell me if you’re sharing similar thoughts as me or you’re into the great music. I get such messages from people sometimes, and I’d have to say, that’s one main reason that keeps me going. So, if you feel that you want to share your feedback on my work with me, go ahead! I’d be more than glad if you did!


    Are you involved in making a video or a writing project? Putting on a production? Are you about to release some music? Let’s connect and help each other grow!

    Consider us publishing collab posts as ‘Poem Pals’, linking back to your work. I can contribute to websites with guest posts.

    How about co-presenting radio either physically or across the internet?

    Get Featured

    For many years I’ve presented shows and recorded interviews on I feature artists and people making music with inspiring messages worth sharing. So, if you believe your message is worth telling, reach out, pitch it, and sell it to me. I also publish a monthly chart show.

    Work With Me

    I have over a decade’s experience working in equality, diversity and cultural awareness So, for businesses in personal / professional development or brands that fit within this niche, I have several services that I could offer you. Like:

    Panel and group discussion participation
    Facilitation and training delivery
    Leadership & Executive Coaching
    Broadcast media contribution / presentation

    I’m keen for opportunities to develop experience in actor / extra roles.

    Interview Me

    Do you like my content? Do you think we’d have an interesting conversation? If you’re using creative ways to entertain and bring about change, or press, feel free to reach out for an interview.